Grisecon butterfly logo
photo by Jules Cisek

Grisecon was given piano lessons at age six.

"Immediately when I started doing finger exercises, I was mesmerized by the way playing one set of notes and then changing to another set would evoke an emotional reaction in me. I wanted to understand what was happening. I would repeat the combinations over and over again, each time feeling that little emotional reaction. I think it would have driven the people around me crazy, but my mother has been deaf since childhood so it didn't bother her at all!"

Grisecon studied piano through four years at Oberlin, where he studied music theory and electronic music, as well as fine art.

"I had played classical music for 12 years when I auditioned for Oberlin. I loved Chopin and Debussy and Bach and Mozart. But I really wanted to be a composer. The problem was nobody--no piano teacher, no music teacher--had ever said 'Oh, you're a composer, this is what you need to now...'. All my music teachers only thought in terms of playing the classics."

Oberlin was the only school at the time with a major in electronic music, besides Stanford in California and Berklee School of Music in Boston.

After graduating from Oberlin, Grisecon moved to the Bay Area where he was soon introduced to the rave culture. It was there that his love of electronic and dance music was really cultivated, surrounded by the amazing djs of The Rhythm Society and the vibrant gay club scene in San Francisco.